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Experiencing Consistent Migraines? How Can Physical Therapy Help

Problems with the central nervous system can cause debilitating headaches called migraines. Migraines have several possible causes and can cause a variety of symptoms in different people. While some people only have rare migraines, others have frequent migraines multiple times per month. This can have a severely negative effect on quality of life. Fortunately, physical therapy Wichita KS is a possible treatment option for migraine headaches.

Benefits of Using Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a conservative, i.e., nonsurgical, treatment. It doesn’t involve cutting patients open and exposing them to micro-organisms that can cause disease. Any treatment option for a medical condition has its risks, but physical therapy near me is less likely to cause painful or unpleasant side effects, as medications used to treat migraines may have on the body.

Some migraines are cervicogenic, meaning that they start in the neck. One reason that this can happen is because of poor posture. Physical therapists can retrain patients with cervicogenic migraines to correct their posture, decreasing the likelihood of future headaches. At the very least, better posture may mean that the patient doesn’t experience migraines as often as before.

Some people with migraines also experience balance issues, dizziness, or vertigo. A collective name for these problems is vestibular symptoms because they may originate in the vestibule of the inner ear. Physical therapists can teach patients techniques to help ease these symptoms so that they no longer contribute to the discomfort of a migraine.

How To Alleviate Migraines

Going to see professionals with physical therapy jobs near me is a good first step to treating migraines and making them less frequent. However, physical therapy is a process, and patients may not see results immediately. There are other things patients can do in the interim to manage their symptoms.

Migraines often cause sensitivity to lights, loud noises, or strong smells. Patients with these sensitivities should set aside a room in their homes where it is dark and quiet where they can retreat while they are having symptoms. A cold compress on the forehead may also help relieve symptoms.

People who are dehydrated are more likely to have headaches, and dehydration may be a migraine trigger. Staying hydrated by drinking water or other fluids may help to prevent migraines.

Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning that it leaches water from the tissues of the body and promotes dehydration. However, research also shows that it might provide relief from migraine headaches. Therefore, people with migraines should consider drinking caffeinated drinks in moderation, alternating with water or other, noncaffeinated beverages.

Lack of sleep can trigger a migraine attack. People with migraines should try to devote at least eight hours out of every 24 to sleep, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.

Keeping a migraine diary may help patients identify triggers as well as alleviating factors. Patients should write down what happened before and during each headache in as much detail as possible to start identifying patterns.

Patients should try to see a physical therapist who treats migraines specifically. Asking a doctor for a referral is a good place to start.

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