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What Are Your Skin Rejuvenation Treatment Options?

Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

Ever heard of the phrase “wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been?” Your skin can change as you get older or due to a health condition.

Either way, it may experience different concerns like sunspots, dark circles, acne scars, and freckles. However, the most common are wrinkles and fine lines.

These changes are normal and even expected. But let’s face it! They are not always favorable. Luckily, it’s possible to correct acne scars, sunspots, cellulite, wrinkles, freckles, and other textural irregularities with various skin rejuvenation treatment options.

First Things First! What Is Skin Rejuvenation?

Skin rejuvenation features multiple treatment plans aimed at restoring your skin from any form of damage. And, as highlighted above, skin damage could result from an underlying health condition, sun exposure, or it could be a normal aging sign.

Certain skin rejuvenation treatments can be safe for different body parts like the neck or hands. However, many people choose facial skin rejuvenation treatment to correct lines and wrinkles on their faces.

Popular Skin Rejuvenation Treatment Options


Dermabrasion targets the rough layers of the skin, removing them to encourage new cell growth. When getting dermabrasion, your doctor uses an instrument to remove the skin from the treated section.

But dermabrasion is not recommended for every skin type. Why? The procedure reaches deep into the skin’s surface and could affect the skin’s pigmentation.

Ultimately, dermabrasion can reduce wrinkles and fine lines on your face. Additionally, it can smooth and balance your skin’s complexion while removing scars and other blemishes.

Chemical Peels

Typically, a chemical peel treatment involves applying a solution that aids in the skin’s outer layers peeling away. The aim is to resurface the skin. Once your doctor performs the procedure successfully, your skin will boast a smoother complexion.

Besides tightening, toning, and brightening the complexion, chemical peels are also popular for other benefits. The skin rejuvenation treatment also helps to remove or reduce discoloration, blotchiness, or age spots.

You can either get a light chemical peel or a deep one. Light chemical peels use glycolic acid, fruit enzymes, alpha hydroxy acid, or other mild solutions. Additionally, the light procedure penetrates only the skin’s outer layers.

Conversely, a deep chemical peel targets the deeper layers of your skin. So, some deep treatments may require anesthesia.

Laser Resurfacing

In laser resurfacing, light and heat energy help ” destroy” targeted skin sections. The treatment uses the laser beam to remove the skin’s top layer and heat the underlying layers. The laser resurfacing procedure results in new, smoother skin growth because it stimulates the growth of new collagen fibers.

Laser resurfacing is perfect for use in sensitive skin areas because it causes little damage to the surrounding skin. And the recovery period could range from a few days to a few weeks depending on the type of laser your doctor uses.


Like dermabrasion, microdermabrasion addresses the same skin issues. These include fine lines, wrinkles, aging spots, melasma, acne scars, sunspots, etc. The procedure uses an applicator that features an abrasive surface to even out your overall skin tone. Plus, many skin care professionals consider microdermabrasion a safe procedure for all skin types. Aluminum oxide or sodium bicarbonate spray can also be used in a microdermabrasion procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it important to tell the doctor about my medical history before a skin rejuvenation treatment?

Yes! At the first consultation before the procedure, the specialist should know everything about your previous and current medications, if any. That includes your dietary supplements too.

Note that dietary supplements, hormones, medicines, individual skin sensitivity, oily perfumes, etc., can lead to complications after the treatment.

How is laser resurfacing achieved?

Laser resurfacing begins with the vaporization process that involves removing the top layer of the epidermis as delicately as possible. As the laser energy penetrates the skin cells, it is converted into heat that vaporizes the cell moisture, destroying the cells.

Consequently, the epidermis’ upper layer peels off, and the active synthesis of elastin and collagen begins. Ultimately, new cells grow in place of the old, keratinized skin layer.

What is facial rejuvenation, and is it suitable for both men and women?

Facial rejuvenation includes a broad group of non-invasive treatments and surgical procedures. They are designed to make your skin and profile look more refreshed and younger. Women and men of all ages are ideal candidates for facial rejuvenation techniques. And although they are often associated with women, increasing numbers of men are nowadays going for these treatments.

What dangers does laser resurfacing have?

It is essential to note that Laser resurfacing is effective and safe. However, possible risks of complications may occur primarily due to cheap forgery of the original CO2 Laser and unprofessionalism.

What does non-surgical mean exactly?

Non-surgical procedures typically take place in the office setting. They don’t need an operating room or anesthesia and don’t include incisions. They range from injectables like fillers and toxins to topical like peels and creams and laser-based like CO2 resurfacing.

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