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Ovolactovegetarian, LactoVegetarian, Vegetarian Or Vegan


Several types of vegetarianism depend on each diet’s foods and its accompanying philosophy of life. Here we tell you what it means to be Lacto-ovo, Lacto-vegetarian, vegetarian and vegan. We are going to break down each category to broaden the picture of eating styles.


Lacto- ovo-vegetarians, also known as Lacto-ovo- vegetarians, do not consume animal meat (fish, chicken, red meat, etc.). But a lacto-ovo-vegetarian menu does accept eggs, milk, and honey. The justification is that these foods can remain obtained without directly killing the animals that produce them. The “ovo” part of the name “ovolactovegetariano” comes from the Latin word for “egg.” While “Lacto” derives from the Latin word to designate milk.

In the West, Lacto-Ovo vegetarians represent the largest subgroup of vegetarians. As a result, most of the services and products identified as “vegetarian” without further qualification are ovo-lacto-vegetarian. Similarly, if you choose a standard vegetarian menu when traveling by plane, it will include animal derivatives (cheese, milk, eggs).

Also, it is interesting to note that vegetarianism differs between cultures. Practitioners of Hinduism, who represent 70% of vegetarians worldwide, do not eat eggs. Therefore, they follow a lacto-vegetarian diet.

The vitamin b12 in ovolactovegetarianos and all types of food we named in this article must also be supplementary.


The lactovegetarian diet is a variation of vegetarianism that excludes meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs. Unlike other vegetarian diets, it includes dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, and milk. People often adopt a lacto-vegetarian diet for health, environmental, or ethical reasons. Reducing the intake of meat and animal derivatives brings multiple health benefits.

However, there is a lot of animal suffering behind dairy production and the egg industry. So, taking a step further, veganism emerges, a 100% plant-based diet. It is a lifestyle that is not reduced to a diet but also includes a compassionate philosophy. If you feel like it’s time to leap, we tell you how to transition to veganism in 5 steps.


Vegans do not consume animal products or by-products. Therefore, they propose delicious and healthy replacements for all your meals. The underlying ethic is respect for life in all its forms. It includes animal rights and the preservation of our planet’s resources.

So, it transcends diet and expands into other areas such as fashion, cosmetics, hygiene, and leisure: no wool, no leather, no animal shows, or laboratory testing. The wave is 100% cruelty-free. And no, it doesn’t include honey either.


Vegetarianism, in general, is accepted by all conventional medical associations and professional societies of nutritionists. Numerous organizations endorse the vegan diet and recommend it positively. Well planned, they are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle.

Medical research on all types of vegetarian diets has changed in Europe and the United States.

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